Do the Feasts have a central purpose or connection between them? Maybe they have a hidden message for us? Do they point to our future? And if so, what are they pointing to and when will it happen? Is this message meant only for the people of Israel or is it meant for me personally as well? Are the meanings of the Feasts intended only for the people of Israel or for the whole world? All these questions and more will be discussed in this new pamphlet about God's Feasts.
The new scripture only devotional in Hebrew produced by The Bible Society in Israel comes to help in our hectic schedules to better our relationship with God for the morning and the Evning. A Wonderful tool with different verses from the old and new testament related to each topic of each day. A gift for yourself or for your hebrew speaking friends. Also a special gift for those who are seeking but would not take a bible. We hope this to be a blessing for you!
A Bíblia que todos esperavam finalmente foi lançada! A Bíblia Hebraico-Português com o Antigo Testamento Massorético em Hebraico, o Novo Testamento Hebraico Moderno e a amada versão em Potuguês - nova almeida atualizada - edição revisada e atualizada Texto lado a lado para fácil comparação e compreensão. Torá com a leitura rabínica semanal da Parashat HaShavua.