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Silver and Gold plated ring with inner inscription in English. This silver ring features glittering borders of diamonds shaped artwork. A double border of dazzling diamonds shaped artwork. The verse comes form The Song of Solmon 6:3 "I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine" This is the perfect gift for that tspecial someone.
Have your children heard of the miracle pf crossing hte Red Sea, of the boy David and Goliath the giant? Have htey heard of of wonders of God and how much He loves them? In a clear and captivating flow with bakcground music and effets, these 101 famous stories are read from the Holy Scriptures. Even kids who cannot read yet, can now learn and familiarize themselves with these amazing stories from the Holy Scriptures and be impressed from the beauty and wealth of the great treasures given to all mankind - Gods Word.
In addition, using a computer, children will also be able to enjoy a colorful and interesting picture that accompanies each story.
The stories from the Scriptures are true and are not given to any one period . God can use this disc to bring your children closer to Him and make their hearts rejoice.
A Bíblia que todos esperavam finalmente foi lançada! A Bíblia Hebraico-Português com o Antigo Testamento Massorético em Hebraico, o Novo Testamento Hebraico Moderno e a amada versão em Potuguês - nova almeida atualizada - edição revisada e atualizada Texto lado a lado para fácil comparação e compreensão. Torá com a leitura rabínica semanal da Parashat HaShavua.
God's Promises to Abram echo down through the corridors of time as we study Genesis 12:2-3. Anyone, believer or non-believe, rich or poor, who blesses the Jewish people through kindness and mercy, will please God. The scriptural principle will never change. As the church worldwide, we need to see the importance of how we touch the apple of God's eye. Let us forfeit no more blessings by ignoring God's promise to bless. If the original offshoot of biblical Judaism(Christianity), which sprang from the original olive tree (Israel) would begin to allow itself to be grafted back into its roots, spiritual blessings will come to congregations across the world. Christians do not have to become Jewish to love the Jewish people but only what God loves. They simply need to be a blessing.
One of the chief purposes of the commentary is to set forth the reason that led the Committee, or a majority of the members of the Committee, to adopt certain variant readings for inclusion in the text and to relegate certain others readings to the apparatus. On the basis of a record of the voting of the Committee, as well as, for most sessions, more or less full notes of the discussions that proceeded the voting, the present writer has sought to frame and express concisely (a) the main problem or the problem involved in each set of variants and (b) the Committees 's evaluation and resolution of those problems.