The Balfour Declaration and the beginning of British rule over the historic Land of Israel was the culmination of a vision for the restoration of the Jewish people to their Biblical homeland which had developed in Great Britain over the previous three hundred years.
Domed Star of David Pendant in a two-tone finish. A solid gold Star of David pendant with a subtly unique design .A gold plated triangle sits atop a silver one and together they form a smooth curved dome-like shape.
This nacklace has the "Shema" written on it and is taken from deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, The lord is One."
From the back side of the pendant filigree artwork on the oxidised silver background.
this book enables parents to discover genuine hope and confidence for parenting their challenging children, instead of having to resign themselves to merely coping with difficult behavior patterns.
ROMANS is a concept album based on all sixteen chapters of Paul's epistle to the church at Rome. The album, which consists of 23 seamless tracks, is a proclamation through music and poetry of what Paul penned through prose..
The first, award-winning, film in the series examines the major covenants in Scripture in the context of their Hebraic roots, from the Abrahamic Covenant to the New Covenant.
This full-length documentary features groundbreaking interviews with German Church leaders, the son of a Nazi SS officer and Holocaust survivors that will move, and challenge you.