Have your children heard of the miracle pf crossing hte Red Sea, of the boy David and Goliath the giant? Have htey heard of of wonders of God and how much He loves them? In a clear and captivating flow with bakcground music and effets, these 101 famous stories are read from the Holy Scriptures. Even kids who cannot read yet, can now learn and familiarize themselves with these amazing stories from the Holy Scriptures and be impressed from the beauty and wealth of the great treasures given to all mankind - Gods Word.
In addition, using a computer, children will also be able to enjoy a colorful and interesting picture that accompanies each story.
The stories from the Scriptures are true and are not given to any one period . God can use this disc to bring your children closer to Him and make their hearts rejoice.
The Atlas has beautiful satellite pictures an detaild historical markings. No other atlas features so many large maps with nearly every biblical event in Israel depuicted with such great detail. Each map is accompanied by commentary that draws out the geographical significance of the history to bring the story alive to the reader.
The Bible your child was waiting for! The newest release from the Bible Society in Israel is a colorful high quality edited children's bible with beautiful artwork and bible stories written in a poetical way in hebrew. Children will learn the word of God in a clear and fun way with this amazing piece of art! Be the first one to spread this good news with this special release offer! Inside you will find: 40 favorite stories from the scriptures and at the end of each story you will have the reference to the bible verses from which it was taken. Pages: 80 Binding: Hard Cover
This Calendar includes:
- Major Biblical/Jewish and Israeli holidays with extensive explanation, plus major U.S. holidays
- Scriptures in English and Hebrew
- Dates in both Jewish/Lunar and Gregorian/solar calendar systems
- Sabbath beginning and ending times
- Weekly Torah, Haftarah and suggested New Testament portions, plus Holiday readings
- NEW - Sabbath and Holiday Readings (which are noted on the calendar dates) are also listed in a removable chart format, good for inserting in one's Bible
- NEW - Messianic prophecies from the Tanach (Hebrew Bible) and their fulfillment in the New Testament
- GORGEOUS photos, frameable
- Hebrew Learning Materials
- NEW - A selection of suggested Traditional and Messianic Holiday and other Blessings, in English and Hebrew
- Other special features
- Made in Israel
A Bíblia que todos esperavam finalmente foi lançada! A Bíblia Hebraico-Português com o Antigo Testamento Massorético em Hebraico, o Novo Testamento Hebraico Moderno e a amada versão em Potuguês - nova almeida atualizada - edição revisada e atualizada Texto lado a lado para fácil comparação e compreensão. Torá com a leitura rabínica semanal da Parashat HaShavua.
The new scripture only devotional in Hebrew produced by The Bible Society in Israel comes to help in our hectic schedules to better our relationship with God for the morning and the Evning. A Wonderful tool with different verses from the old and new testament related to each topic of each day. A gift for yourself or for your hebrew speaking friends. Also a special gift for those who are seeking but would not take a bible. We hope this to be a blessing for you!
Do the Feasts have a central purpose or connection between them? Maybe they have a hidden message for us? Do they point to our future? And if so, what are they pointing to and when will it happen? Is this message meant only for the people of Israel or is it meant for me personally as well? Are the meanings of the Feasts intended only for the people of Israel or for the whole world? All these questions and more will be discussed in this new pamphlet about God's Feasts.