Hebrew Audio Bible – available in CD/USB


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The Bible Society in Israel is proud to present the new release of this high quality audio Bible production of the entire Bible.  Voices of various biblical characters are all performed by Hebrew native speakers with musical accompaniment.  Great for listening while you drive, work, or play. Also a valuable tool for learning Hebrew.

If you already know Hebrew or are currently learning Hebrew, this recording stick will provide a great asset to grasping the Hebrew language as you can listen and follow along with the Old Testament Hebrew text and the Modern Hebrew New Testament. .

Format: MP3


Choose between the different options whether you would like to buy with/without music and sound effects, on a CD/USB.

Additional information

Weight .1 kg
Recording -

Full Bible with music & sound effects, Full Bible no music, Old Testament with music & sound effects, Old Testament no music, New Testament with music & sound effects, New Testament no music

Format -

CD, USB Memory Stick

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