Romans (Psallos) – Music – CD


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ROMANS is a concept album based on all sixteen chapters of Paul’s epistle to the church at Rome. The album, which consists of 23 seamless tracks, is a proclamation through music and poetry of what Paul penned through prose..

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SKU: ISR416XCD-ROM Category:


ROMANS is a concept album based on all sixteen chapters of Paul’s epistle to the church at Rome. The album, which consists of 23 seamless tracks, is a proclamation through music and poetry of what Paul penned through prose. It is Scripture exegeted and exposited in an imaginative, artistic voice, complemented by an array of musical styles and timbres that shed a unique perspective on God’s word.

The album is comprised of two main sections, or acts: chapters 1-8 and chapters 9-16. This division is not only symmetrical in regards to chapter numbers but is also mirrors the arch of Paul’s narrative. Paul concludes one major flow of thought at the end of chapter 8, climaxing with an anthemic and resounding affirmation of our security in Christ. Chapter 9 begins a new yet related discourse, connected specifically to the nation of Israel. Physical copies of the album manifest this division clearly in their two-disc format.

Track List & Summary of the Book of Romans

[1] – Prelude – [2] I am Paul, [3] and I am not ashamed of the gospel, which is the good news of salvation through faith in Christ. [4] The gospel teaches that while every human being’s unrighteousness renders him inexcusably condemned before God, [5] – Interlude – [6] the Lord instead punished His righteous Son, Jesus Christ, so that He may freely forgive those who place their faith in Christ. [7] Abraham, who is the father of all who believe, both Jews and Gentiles, exemplifies this working of justification by faith, [8] and if you, like Abraham, have been reckoned righteous by faith, then you have peace with God and a sure hope of eternal life.

[9] Sin entered the world through Adam; forgiveness of sins comes through Jesus – the Second Adam. [10] “Does God’s grace to us lead to greater sin?” By no means. It leads to greater conformity to Christ who has set you free from the bonds of sin. [11] “But if I am free from sin, then why do I continue sinning?” The power of the flesh still remains in part, but God who justified you will sanctify you in Christ until you are glorified. [12] Indeed, through the power of the Holy Spirit, God’s children will be made to live more like their Father. [13] Even in the midst of suffering, you can look ahead to the glory to come, when Christ fully redeems His people. [14] Our hope is truly secure and nothing will separate us from the love of God.

[15] My heart breaks for Israel, my kinsmen, for they have rejected their Messiah. [16] “Does this, then, mean that if God is not saving Israel, though He promised them salvation, that He will not fulfill His promises to save the Church?” By no means. First you must understand that there is a difference between ethnic Israel (Abraham’s children of the flesh) and true Israel (Abraham’s children of the promise). God will save all of true Israel, that is, His elect. [17] “Is God unjust if he saves some and not all?” By no means. God, who is sovereign, may save whomever He chooses, [18] – Interlude – [19] and He chooses to save people from all over the world – all who call upon His name, which includes a remnant of ethnic Israel. [20] This act of salvation is incomprehensibly amazing! Great is the Lord and worthy is He of all glory and praise!

[21] Therefore, in light of these truths about God and salvation, lay down your life as a living sacrifice to Him, obeying Him in all things by loving Him and loving others. [22] – Interlude – [23] So long and farewell to you, the church at Rome. May our Lord bless you.

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