This beautiful new edition of the Hebrew-English Bible consists of the Old and New Testaments in one book. Hebrew and English run side by side from Genesis to Revelation. Our highly demanded Hebrew & English Parallel Bible comes in three beautiful options:
- Hardcover
- Leather
- Leather & Zipper
- Torah Portion divisions and titles in Hebrew and English.
- Haftarah reading table located at the back of the Bible.
- A full table of Torah Portion readings at the end of the Bible.
- A modern English translation that is well respected among Bible scholars, the NASB
Silver and Gold plated ring with inner inscription in English. This silver ring features glittering borders of diamonds shaped artwork. A double border of dazzling diamonds shaped artwork. The verse comes form The Song of Solmon 6:3 "I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine" This is the perfect gift for that tspecial someone.
A Bíblia que todos esperavam finalmente foi lançada! A Bíblia Hebraico-Português com o Antigo Testamento Massorético em Hebraico, o Novo Testamento Hebraico Moderno e a amada versão em Potuguês - nova almeida atualizada - edição revisada e atualizada Texto lado a lado para fácil comparação e compreensão. Torá com a leitura rabínica semanal da Parashat HaShavua.