Israel's election, calling and history make up a big part of scripture. It could be said that they belong to the "DNA of the Bible." But why is it then that the Christian narrative about the Messiah, Israel and the nations, often seemed to have and sometimes even still las a different “genetic structure”? Does Israel - together with its election and promises – leave God’s stage through a side door, when Jesus appears on stage? Does a changing of roles take place, within a different story? Does the Messiah function within it as some kind of “black hole” in which the eternal election and calling of Israel disappear? How do we read God’s way?
The Bible your child was waiting for! The newest release from the Bible Society in Israel is a colorful high quality edited children's bible with beautiful artwork and bible stories written in a poetical way in hebrew. Children will learn the word of God in a clear and fun way with this amazing piece of art! Be the first one to spread this good news with this special release offer! Inside you will find: 40 favorite stories from the scriptures and at the end of each story you will have the reference to the bible verses from which it was taken. Pages: 80 Binding: Hard Cover
The Atlas has beautiful satellite pictures an detaild historical markings. No other atlas features so many large maps with nearly every biblical event in Israel depuicted with such great detail. Each map is accompanied by commentary that draws out the geographical significance of the history to bring the story alive to the reader.