Chronological Bible
Ask just about any Israeli (who is not an ultra-Orthodox Jew), and he or she will tell you many, if not most books of the Old Testament (those we call the “Tanach”), are unintelligible.
Yes it is a fact that the Tanach, meaning the Torah, the Prophets and the (Historical) Writings, is not understood by most Israelis! Yes, it is a closed book to the educated and uneducated.
Why? Because it was written 2500-3500 years ago, and modern Hebrew no longer includes many words that are in the Bible.
On the other hand, there are some Biblical words used in modern Hebrew but have a different meaning!
Only Hebrew Bible Scholars can confidently tell you they understand most of the Holy Writings, although there are extremely difficult books to understand – such as Job or Ezekiel.
The Narrated Bible in Chronological Order in Hebrew will be a wide-open gateway for multitudes of Israelis to be able to read and understand the Bible for the first time in their lives! There is nothing like it on the market in Israel.
This project was completed after three years of intensive and successful work between the Israel Bible Society and Maoz Israel Ministries.