Hebrew-English Diglot Bible

Our mission and desire as a Bible Society is to make the Bible accessible not only physically, but by helping people understand its content, for as many people as possible. With the ever-increasing immigrant population here in Israel, there are many people that live in a Hebrew-speaking environment but have another mother tongue. Thus, we are continually working on Bibles that match the needs of the people to whom we are trying to reach, by producing Bibles containing both Old and New Testaments in Hebrew, side-by-side with other languages.

The Bible Society in Israel has produced a new version of the Hebrew-English Bible using the excellent and precise NASB (New American Standard Bible) for the English text. This edition includes the Torah Portion readings marked in the text, a complete table of the Torah and Haftarah readings, and 12 full-color biblical maps.

This Bible is an amazing tool for English-speaking Jewish immigrants, for anyone learning the Hebrew language, and for many Israelis that use the English translation as an aid to understand the difficult biblical Hebrew.


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One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his good deed. (Prov. 19:17)

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