Illustrated Hebrew New Testament
“I want to read more”
We just completed the production of the Illustrated Hebrew New Testament and started giving to families.
Few days later I met a grandmother that thanked us and shared with me: “I gave the newly produced Illustrated New Testament to my grand daughter who stayed at my home.
She was excited to receive it and to read it before going to sleep. After about 40 min. of reading, when it was time to turn off the lights and sleep, she said, “Grandmother, I want to read more. Can you live the lights on”. It was a great joy and reward for our work.
The local Hebrew speaking body of Christ here in Israel is a new thing that the Lord is doing! There is a growing need for a variety of resources for the growth of the local body – wider and deeper. In recent years, the need for children’ materials is even greater as the the body is growing especially with young families. The desire and vision of the Bible Society in Israel is to share the Word of God with the people of Israel and serve in the growth of the local body of Yeshua.
However, it is hard to expect children to be attracted to read a black and white book of more than 1000 pages…
Illustrations are an excellent tool to positively stimulate the imagination and emotions of children and in this way attract them to engage with the Word of God and make their engagement with the Word of God much more meaningful and effective. We want the Word of God itself to penetrate and shape their tender hearts. Hundreds of beautiful illustrations are there for that purpose! So that the children and their families will be attracted to read the Word of God but also to further engage with its message. We know that God will use His Word and the beautiful illustrations to touch their hearts and minds in a special way and help them grow in Him.
We started the distribution at the messianic school of Jerusalem and were blessed and encouraged to see the smiles and the joy in which the kids received these beautiful books. We pray that thousands of children and families will be touched, comforted and inspired by the Holy Spirit through these Illustrated New Testaments.
Thank you for your prayers and support of our ministry.